Thursday, June 09, 2016

Planet Comicon Weekend May 20-22

Wow! What can I say about Planet Comicon? I LOVED IT! SO MUCH! It was my first year volunteering and I would do it all over again! Maybe all three days next time. It was great! I have been so tired ever since! But I've been pretty busy on the weekends since that weekend too. So, it could be that as well. I am not in shape, I need to exercise here at home too. That may increase my stamina too on a daily basis. So I have a few pictures I wanted to share while I write. Here is the first one. 
So I had to use my walker since I was going to be walking so much and all day long. I had forgotten it on Orientation night. What a mistake! I was so pooped that night and it was so hard to keep up with the group. Well, but in the end they slowed down for me to keep up with them. There are so many volunteers that are needed for one of these events its just crazy how many of us were in the orientation room that night. It was standing room only by the time it started. So the instruction, don't be a fan girl/boy when you see the celebrities, they need down time too. Darn! I hope I don't run into anyone I know! I don't know if I can contain it, really, I do not know! But it didn't happen, sadly I was so far away from the celebrities most of the time that I couldn't get all fan-girly anyway. I do regret not walking up and talking to Edward James Olmos(Battlestar Galactica, Agnets of Shield, Selena, Mi Familia), there were two times where no one was stopping anyone from coming in and talking to him and I got scared I might get in trouble both times! Ugh!!! I should have just done it! Who knows if he will be back the next time or not, and that will be a whole year away now. Booo! Regrets! 

 There was so much to see there and working it gave me whole different perspective on the event. I had fun, met a bunch of people who share the same fandom as I do. Though I did feel a bit behind on all the details and new stuff like, Dr. Who, I still felt at ease or understood there! But it was funny, people were still pretty quiet when they sat in the break room and I felt the need to start up conversations with those I did not know. I wore the perfect shoes and they had T-Shirts made up for us. I should have taken a picture of me in it! I did with my grandson but you can't see the shirt at all. I may take that later and add it as my profile picture here. I had a ride from someone who volunteered at the con and she was great, she knew her stuff, all the details most know, I can't remember anything and I never really have been able to do that anyway. Maybe I am not spending as much time as these folks do watching, reading and studying the movies, books, etc. Who knows but I don't recall details like that except for maybe some Star Wars lines, because that is the series I am totally into. I like Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Avengers, and on and on. I love Science Fiction movies and books, I like so much I get them all mixed up. But I guess Star Wars and the Avengers would be the ones I really love and add to that the Alien and Predator movies too. Love them Aliens and Predators to death!
  Being in this bunch of people got me to thinking...why don't I have all the things and figures and collectors items and all that stuff they so adore and try so hard to get? I could only guess that I was going to college a long time, raising kids, dealing with a crazy man, and I was lucky to have just seen the movies I guess, but my family was very big on going to the movies. Ever since I was little, it was something we did all the time. We saw lots of movies, I think my dad really loved them, all kinds of them too. Anyway, we loved movies so I saw a ton of them. And I think with school and kids and work and they crazy baby daddy, I didn't have the money to get all those things. But my parents did get us all the Star Wars toys when we were young, so I had plenty! Now I am on disability and therefore I really don't have the money to do all that now. I would love to though. I wish I could but maybe I will strike it rich one day and be able to do that. But that is exactly why I volunteered, so I wouldn't have to pay to get in and do something to help in an event that I love! And it did not disappoint! I had a ball and I will be doing it again in the future. 

My grandson made his own Predator costume when we heard how much the real one costs! I think he did well with cardboard and notebook paper so quickly! But he took it off at the con, I suspect since his didn't look like everyone else's costumes. :( I thought it was good considering he stayed up all night making it. It was good for what he had, which wasn't much to work with! He did get in trouble for marking up his blue t-shirt though...Lol. He did purchase a new Predator figure the first day of the con and loves it. And we got to taking pictures of it at the restaurant after the event that day. This final picture is the Ancient Predator action figure. 


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