Friday, December 01, 2006

Sick Daze

Sick again! I got the sickness that is being passed around the family finally. I think the alcohol I had the day before Thanksgiving is what kept it away for a while. Then I saw the G-baby Tuesday and was sick the next day. He was still sick and I didn't know it. Of course I was all over him! I can't stand being sick but I like the fact that I got to stay home a couple days. But it was so uncomfortable and boring. I discovered some things about me in the process.

I still, even though I was sick, tried to figure out a way, for my daughter with grandbaby, to get him to his doctor's appointment today!!! Me sick, barely able to make it to the bathroom without stumbling, was still worried about her getting what she needed done! My two girls really don't communicate very well sometimes and I see that in myself and my family members. I finally realized what I was doing and stopped myself! Of course their father for some reason just cannot help them recently. I just don't get that. Here in the Midwest, we've been iced over and then snowed on a little bit. Our area didn't get hit too hard but we did get both still. My oldest daughter's car was not buried but it did get frozen shut. And me being sick, (not that if I was well would I have prepared for it any sooner) did not get any ice melt so our driveway was, and still is, a sheet of ice. Then snow covered that. Wednesday we got the ice, Thursday we got snow. So she was stuck and was supposed to take my youngest to the doctor appointment on today. So for whatever reason, he would not come dig her out - I chose not to argue, he has his reasons I suppose. And my oldest doesn't really act on her own half the time. So my youngest still didn't have a ride as far as it seemed.

I left it alone finally, but not until I suggested how to find herself a ride. Of course, the word spread that I was not going to give her a ride or let them use my car (which is horrible in the snow-rear wheel drive) and I was really sick, I couldn't do anything. So my ex calls, wants to know what the deal is and then I just explain. M is stuck in the driveway, I can't help, she needs help or the other needs a ride. So then he offered the youngest a ride. Do you know how relieved I was? I think you may! LOL! Still trying to work stuff out for others but sick as I don't know what! Achy all over and stomach cramping and all that going on.

I also took a personality test, it actually described me almost to the tee! Except that I am in recovery now, so some of those traits are actually already changed or changing! But mainly still described me as a Giver. So funny, I never really believed those things like that. I did take a step to meeting someone new today. I invited a new male aquaintence (who may be interested in dating me) and his daughter to the annual Christmas play at my church. He accepted with out hesitation. I don't know why I am nervous about it. I guess that is my norm. But it should be a nice evening.

Today I am thankful for:
Two days off even though they were miserable.
The rest I caught up on or needed.
My program.
Friends in the program I have been bugging due to me being bored. And they just take it.
Or they bear it! LOL
An outlet like this to rant on! To get it all out! Phew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been sick for ever too...
now my daughter is ..ugh..
Keep warm and cozy with tea and sleep.