Monday, May 22, 2006

Today's reading, A Better Understanding

You know sometimes I wonder why I keep needing to deal with the same situation over and over. Okay, so maybe God is teaching me to stay out of the situation. I really don't know. I just knew that once my ex was out of the picture, my life would change and things would calm down - way down. Not so. Anyway, let me not dwell on the fact that things are livening up again!

Today I read from the Language of Letting Go, by Melody Beatty. Today's reading was on reprogramming. It made me think about where I have come from, where I used to be at this time last year. I was a mess. My life was a serious mess. Things aren't so miserable anymore, I am happier with my choices and my life today. I am just grateful for me, able to appreciate me, love and care for me, things I really hadn't done hardly ever prior to recovery.
I know that without God's help, I wouldn't be where I am today. I had to take Step 3 to heart and give things up that I had never, ever given to God before. And it has made all the difference! Now I can do it with a lot less effort, I am trusting God more and more each time I give Him my cares. I now understand what "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" meant! Today, I can actually apply this principle! It is basically, Let Go and Let God! My faith even seems as if it is brand new. I have a much better understanding of what God wants of me and how to apply His word to my life. Thank you Lord, for those things you are teaching me in recovery. And for all I will continue to learn in the coming years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ten years in recover for me and I am still learning more about myself and issues on these topics of codependency etc.It is an amazing journey that just doesnt' end, it just changes and I embrace the new scenerey:) Have a great weekend!
Thanks for sharing~