Saturday, January 13, 2007

Just feeling grateful

I love my face 2 face groups that I attend. I attended my CodA group this week, my Al-Anon group was cancelled due to the weather Friday. We got hit with freezing rain, sleet all day long on Friday, so no one came out. But at the CodA meeting, we discussed a work situation I was dealing with. I want to stand up for me, but in this case I think, it may not be the wisest thing to do! I could loose my job, and I am pretty angry about it. But I don't see any change that could arise from me saying anything. I've heard many stories too about how this situation will not change. All due to higher up execs and friends and all that kinda thing. I got some very good advice that I could handle doing in this case.

This is what I love about my f2f groups, I can immediately address my concerns that others may have gone through, and their ESH makes me able to figure out what to do when I am at a standstill. They had a question for me too concerning my last post, about the new guy. It was, "You were waiting for what????!!!" LOL, I thought it was funny, that is all I could do - laugh!
I love my groups. I am grateful for the family I have in both those circles. I feel so safe and so accepting and accepted of them! I love the contact I maintain between the different members and I. I like talking with them, sharing with them, and feeling the love I feel from them. They are great!

Today I guess, in the absence of my meeting last night, I am just feeling grateful for what my program of recovery has brought me today! I love my programs and what each has taught me and continues to teach me. May I stay ever so more willing to change as I grow older!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about that gratitude MsManna..I read my books this morning feeling the same way:)

I am back online with a new site addy.

I should NEVER have deleted my old blog.anyhoo..come on by for a visit Tab

Gooey Munster said...

You sound strong, and I know the love you have around you re-enfroces your outlook. I am so glad that you are embracing the stories around you and applying them to your life.

It is mid week now, I hope you still are doing well. If not, it is ok, we get thru it together.

kel said...

You may insoire me to hit one of these meetings yet!! I hope you are doing ok,
