Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Sort of Serene Sunday

Ahhh, just like a picture of the sea on another blog, did I have a very serene Sunday. I took the grandbaby to church with me, while the mommy went to work. Of course he went to the nursery, so I could be in peace in the service and in my Sunday school class. I may take him on Wednesday night too. She can have a rest and I can still go to my Wednesday night class at church I've wanted to get back to so much!

We, my daughter and I, hung out at the Great Grandma's house this afternoon. I was supposed to be going to the Great Grandpa's house this afternoon right after church. He wasn't home so we were (well, I was) invited to bring the baby over to the Great Grandma's house and so I did. It also is where my ex now lives again. I didn't know his mother (Great Grandma) wasn't there. But God is good, I know he watches over me. You know how I felt in my post yesterday. Well, I decided to tell my daughter I was going to take the baby over there. She immediately called, she was just leaving work - early at that. She asked if I wanted her to meet me there. So I decided No, I would rather ride in the air conditioned car she was driving. So I would wait for her to come pick the baby and I up first then we'd all go together. Meanwhile, while I waited for her to arrive, the ex called wondering where I was with the baby. I told him why I was waiting. Then he tells me his mother isn't there, so I questioned why am I bringing the baby, I thought she invited us over so she could see him. So he called his mom and both her and his sister were coming home now. So along with my daughter, his mom and sister would be there with us. He normally acts well in the company of others. But seeing his looks and hearing some quick comments toward me did make me uncomfortable and although I felt comfortable with his family there(they've kept in contact with me), I still saw this as not a good idea. Not good. He thinks things are still open for him to walk in. He was trying to control everyone not just me. He talks differently with his mom, seeming more forceful though joking at the same time. He still has a huge ego, and seems to think he needs to tell me many times of something he's asked me to do even though I already agreed to do it(upload baby photos so they could see them and print some off). I felt like he was trying to get me to do it NOW. Right NOW. And quite a bit more moody than before and easily offended.

Then he dropped the bomb on me...he asked if I wanted to have anymore children with him. Of course the answer was NO. He's known that for quite some time and it is a reason he left, to start another family, which, by the way is now taken from him yet again. He lost what new family he had due to her drug problem. This did make me upset. But still, I didn't prepare to leave. And I don't know if his mom still wants us together or not, but I notice that they never say anything when he says stuff to me like that knowing he has a girlfriend. But I guess that is not for them to handle, huh? That's mine, totally mine to handle. I did tell him that was the purpose of his new

I think, no, I know it upset my daughter too. My kids do not want him back around and neither do I. I don't think they see me really displaying that. One always wants me to hang out with him and I wouldn't, but today she seemed to see it differently and she asked me about it. I did tell her I don't want to be involved with him again, not to worry. I do miss hanging out with his family though, I did it a lot before we broke up. They all still keep in contact with me. His family loved and cared for me. So did his friends even though I didn't know that.

Anyway, not a good idea, I better heed my instincts the next time I am invited. And then not go. The less contact, the better! I don't need to be there. But God did watch over me today as he does every day. Even though I felt uncomfortable at times, I still had my serenity today.


Anonymous said...

Amazing how serenity can keep
our common sense in check isn't it.
Good for you.
Thanks for sharing ~

Gooey Munster said...

I think it is great that you can have some bumps along the way yet still embrace peace >>> serenity.