Saturday, September 23, 2006

I finally made it back!

I made it back to my Al-Anon meeting this week! I haven't been since my daughter went into early labor(back on Labor Day weekend). There's been something going on every week since then. Or maybe I am just trying to keep me busy and not dwell on what happened. It felt so good on the way there, and a little weird on the way into the room. But it was an excellent meeting on making amends. And what a relief to finally be there! It really feels like family. A perfect end to my frustrating week. And one that calmed me down and made me ready for the weekend!


Anonymous said...

great post!
thanks for sharing~

Anonymous said...

Hello - I'm new to blogging and see we have a few things in common - recovery and the stars (I should have been an Aquarius but was forced into the world early as a Capricorn!). If you care to visit me, I'm at :-)